Notes from Bella, the neurotic Beardie

Friday, August 24, 2007

Is this dumb or what?

Sometimes I like to climb into RL's lap...well, just my front paws...while she's on the computer. This afternoon I saw this and I asked her what that poor dog had done to deserve to be put in a glass bowl. She said it was something that dogs could have so that they could see out of their fences. I'm not sure what she fence is nothing but wire and holes. And so is BFF's. And my friends in Wisconsin don't even have a fence. And what's the good of seeing without being able to smell what's going on. Anyway, I think it's really dumb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right, Bella. It looks like my food bowl on its side. Why can't the puppy just look out through a hole in the fence instead of through the bowl? BG says that it doesn't matter that it's dumb. Somebody will buy it anyway.