Notes from Bella, the neurotic Beardie

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hide and seek food bowl

I don't trust my food. RL puts it down and I immediately try and push it somewhere where I can't see it. In the winter, when RL has a rug on the floor, I can pull it over the food, but in the summer I have to work harder.
RL was out for dinner last night and when she came home she asked where my bowl was (she's always interested in whether I eat or not). She walked around the house several times and finally found it in between some boxes on the dining room floor. It took a lot of effort to push it out of the kitchen, into the dining room and then behind those boxes! And she wonders what I do all day!


Clara said...

Hmmmmm. I'm beginning to agree, Bella, that the subtitle of your blog is accurate. But you sure are a cutie!

Riverlark said...

Thank you BG. Like BP, I'm well aware of how cute I am. And I should remind you that it takes brains and strength to push that dog bowl into hiding!